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Performance Monitoring Process Integrating into WANO-Atlanta Centre

Throughout 2017, the Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) will continue its efforts to strengthen WANO though the integration of several key areas, including the transition of WANO-Atlanta Centre (AC) non-U.S. station representatives to performance monitoring leads (PMLs) early this year.

This will allow continuous monitoring which will enable WANO to understand and maintain a comprehensive picture of station performance between plant evaluations so that timely and effective actions are recorded and implemented to avoid plant declines. The continuous monitoring process systematically collects, analyses and integrates all available data and information –including insights taken from dialogue between INPO and WANO-AC personnel as well as station and corporate leaders – to develop a comprehensive picture of station performance.

This process has been implemented within the WANO-AC plants in the U.S. since July 2014. Prior to the implementation of continuous monitoring, nearly a dozen plants, on average, declined in performance within a few years following an evaluation. "We found that plant performance can change dramatically between Peer Reviews" explained Dave Crabtree, director of WANO-AC Operations at INPO. The continuous monitoring process has been very beneficial to the U.S. plants, identifying specific areas that might be declining in performance. This allows INPO to work with the station and help change their declining performance status."

Meanwhile, Dave Garchow, Director of WANO-AC, said: "I believe that implementing the continuous monitoring process within the WANO-AC non-U.S. plants is the right step towards sustaining high levels of plant performance."

Extending continuous monitoring to stations outside the U.S. will enhance employee proficiency and performance in the plants. This process reduces the likelihood of surprise findings that could be of detriment to the plant, creates new opportunities for continuous dialogue between the station and WANO and allows for increased support from WANO between Peer Reviews.

"I support this process," said Crabtree. "WANO becomes a more consistent partner in improving performance. Consistent quarterly monitoring allows for excellent levels of performance at all plants."