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WANO statement on the 10th anniversary of the Fukushima accident

Today marks the tenth anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake and tsunami, and the subsequent nuclear power accident at Fukushima, Japan. It was a tragic event for many, including the nuclear industry, and it had consequences not only for Japan but for the entire world.
The accident exposed vulnerabilities common to all plants and operations worldwide. In learning valuable lessons from the event, the industry responded by taking strong actions to improve plant safety. A WANO post-Fukushima commission studied the event and developed 12 projects to improve the industry. Working closely with WANO, our members responded effectively. The lessons learned from Fukushima have resulted in members collectively implementing a total of approximately 6,000 safety enhancement activities worldwide.
Although major advances have been made to nuclear safety and plant performance since Fukushima, the industry must continue to evolve and improve. Therefore, this anniversary of the Fukushima event causes the industry to reflect on the past. But it also encourages the industry to focus on the future and to redouble its commitment to nuclear safety.
In conclusion, WANO and its members remember the past, but will continue to build on this foundation of knowledge for the betterment of the industry, and the benefit of mankind.